Credits for LUMEN Dissector
LUMEN Dissector
John A. McNulty, Ph.D.
Michael F. Dauzvardis, Ph.D.
With the assistance of:
Al Hayashi (Biomedical Media Services) - for photography
Michelle Prince (MS class of 1996) - session on shoulder joint
Geoffrey Caplea (MS class of 1999) - sessions on pharynx, thorax, and pelvis
Aveen Macentee (MS class of 1999) - sessions on pharynx, thorax, and pelvis
Nate Frost (MS class of 2005) - dissections of the head and neck, thorax, abdomen, upper limb.
Nicholas Gruenwald (MS class of 2006) - dissections of the lower limb
Matthew Spector (MS class of 2007) - reviewed major revision
John A. McNulty, Ph.D.
Last Updated: March 26, 1996
Created: March 26, 1996