Answer 1:

Chronic respiratory acidosis











Answer 2:

PAO2 (at 0100) =

150-(1.2x 58 )= 80












Answer 3:

PAO2-PaO2 = 80-44 = 36

Indicates abnormal gas exchange












Answer 4:


V/Q abnormality













Answer 5:

Renal effort to compensate for Respiratory acidosis.

The process is chronic













Answer 6:

To treat acute bronchitis

are the common organisms to cause acute exacerbation in COPD.













Answer 7:

Hypoxic stimulus to increase ventilation abolished by oxygen administration













Answer 8:

Hypoxemia due to V/Q abnormality rather than shunt














Answer 9:

Patient's decline in FEV1 is approximately 100 ml/yr. (normal 30 ml/yr.)














Answer 10:

Hyperinflation of RV and TLC at the expense of VC













Answer 11:

The patient is more like the classic pink puffer (type A emphysema).

Pink Puffer (type A emphysema):

Blue Bloater (type B chronic bronchitis):














Answer 12:

Loss of elastic recoil (pel)
Chronic Bronchitis:
Increased airway resistance from increased mucous glands and secretions
Increased airway resistance from mucosal inflammation/edema and smooth muscle constriction














Answer 13:

Driving Pressure: Pel = Palv - Ppl (pel decreased in emphysema)













Answer 14:

Effort Dependent:
Early and middle portions of curve
Effort Independent:
Last portion of curve (dynamic airway collapse)













Answer 15:

Unopposed outward recoil of the chest wall from loss of inward recoil of lung (decreased Pel)













Answer 16:

Diffusion capacity in:

Chronic bronchitis - Normal

Asthma - Normal or increased

Emphysema - Decreased