Thorax Concepts

  1. The thorax contains 3 cavities: 2 pleural, 1 pericardial. It is important to understand how these cavities are formed, the differences between visceral and parietal layers, and their reflections.

  2. Heart valve sounds are auscultated at points where the sound tracks along the heart and vessel walls to its closest point in the surface. Auscultation points are different from the projection points of the valves on the anterior wall of the thorax.

  3. Blood supply to the lungs is both oxygenated and unoxygenated.

  4. Autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system is by parasympathetic and sympathetic systems.

  5. The position and relationship of structures (e.g., esophagus) as visualized by imaging techniques (X-ray, MRI) are influenced by surrounding structures.

John A. McNulty, Ph.D.
Last Updated: July 11, 2005
Created: 1 March 1996