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  1. In cooperation with the Central Curricular Authority, develop and design an integrated curriculum on professionalism.

  2. Develop a Student Honor Code related to academic integrity and student behavior.

  3. Using the American Association of Medical College's document "Appropriate Treatment in Medicine" as a starting point for discussion, develop a brief statement on student maltreatment and abuse that will be used to develop a policy on student treatment and punishment for abuse.

  4. Draft a statement on professionalism within the Stritch School of Medicine community that addresses:

    1. The responsibilities of faculty to maintain personal standards of professionalism as educators and role models for students and resident physicians;

    2. Recognizes the contribution of Loyola's Catholic and Jesuit heritage that understands service to those most in need as a distinctive hallmark of Jesuit education;

    3. While not tolerating egregious acts of unprofessional behavior, incorporates a recognition of the importance of mercy and forgiveness in developing professionalism.

  5. Invite the larger Loyola University Medical Center community to address issues of professionalism by engaging graduate medical education, Faculty Senate, Loyola University Physicians Foundation, administrators, nursing, and other staff and professionals.

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