Chronic bronchitis

Arterial blood gases reveal a chronic respiratory acidosis with complete compensation. There is hypoxia and hypercapnia. The hypoxia is due to poor V/Q matching due to severe COPD. 

Hypoxia could be due to

A sputum culture would probably not be ordered routinely in COPD. The sputum culture would probably show mixed flora. A gram stain of the sputum might be a more helpful and economical first step. A sputum culture would be indicated if the first antibiotic failed to clear the infection. Probable organisms causing the respirator infection include Streptococcus pneumoniae, Hemophilus influenza, Branhamella catarrhalis.

The chest x-ray is ordered to rule out pneumonia. There is no evidence for pneumonia. The x-ray shows hyperinflation, low set diaphragm and possibly blebs. The transverse diameter of heart is increased.


The most important evidence is that FEV1/FVC is decreased (normal >75%) and is severe (<40%)

The Spirometry results are consistent with an obstructive pattern of pulmonary disease. The forced expiratory volume in 1 second FEV1 measures the average flow rate during the first second of the forced vital capacity (FVC) maneuver, FEV1 declines in direct proportion with clinical worsening of airway obstruction.  It increases with successful treatment of airway obstruction. The percent of  predicted FEV1 for a normal patient should not slip below 80%. He has severe obstructive defect.

The electrocardiogram show a rate of 80 BPM, normal sinus rhythm and right axis of (+137o); there is right ventricular hypertrophy with strain. The R is greater than S in lead V1 and the T wave is inverted in leads V1-V2. Strain suggests ischemia during diastole in a hypertrophied wall. S waves are deep in the left precordial leads. There is borderline right atrial hypertrophy by voltage, especially noted in leads II and AVF.

Right ventricular hypertrophy is consistent with this patient's clinical problem. He has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with secondary hypertension and consequent cor pulmonale. Make sure the students understand the pathogenesis of the atrial/ventricular hypertrophy. Also, they should understand the pathogenesis of secondary versus primary pulmonary hypertension.

Chronic Bronchitis: mucous within bronchial lumina; chronic inflammation of the bronchial wall, marked increase in the size of the mucous glands (increase in Reid Index), patches of squamous metaplasia.  Acute bronchitis: mucosa/submucosal edema, inflammatory cells (also in sputum).

Emphysema: destruction of alveoli creating large air spaces scattered throughout both lungs. Scattered small pulmonary arteries showing smooth muscle hypertrophy. Hyper inflated lungs. 

Right ventricular/right atrial hypertrophy. Chronic passive congestion of the liver.

 Antibiotics  to treat  respiratory infection

Common organisms Antibiotic
Hemophilus Influenza
Streptococcus Pneumoniae
Brahmella catarrhalis


First line Second line Penicillin allergy

Treatment of chronic bronchitis

Pathophysiology Therapeutic option
Irritation of bronchi by Cigarettes Stop Smoking
Narrowing of bronchi:: 
  • Lymphocytic inflammation
  • Mucosal thickening/Glandular hyperplasia
  • Bronchospasm

? Steroids


  • Tenacious secretions
  • Bacterial infections

?Mucolytic agents/Expectorants
Empiric Antibiotics


Site of action Bronchodilators
Beta2 agonists Albuterol inhalers
Ipratropium bromide

Congestive Heart failure/Corpulmonale 

Pathophysiology Therapeutic options
Pulmonary hypertension
  • Hypoxia
  • Loss of vascular bed
Continuous Oxygen
LV dysfunction if any Digoxin and diuretics

 Pulmonary hypertension

Pathophysiology Therapeutic option
Alveolar hypoxia/Vasoconstriction Oxygen
Loss of vascular bed Lung transplant


You need to have an understanding of the following statements. Administer oxygen like any medication with consideration for dose and method of delivery.

Physiological basis Therapeutic option
Optimal arterial oxygen level.. (Oxygen dissociation curve) Target PaO2 of 55-60
Concern for hypoxic drive (Respiratory centers) Titrate Oxygen to maintain pH over 7.25
Hypoxia due to V/Q mismatch is easily correctable Low FIO2: 1-4 Liters by nasal cannula
High flow and low flow  (Oxygen delivery systems) Acute phase: High flow (Venturi mask)

Stable phase: Low flow (Nasal cannula)

Work of breathing

Pathological basis Therapeutic options
Increased airway resistance Bronchodilators
Airway collapse Pursed lip breathing
Inefficient Diaphragmatic position Lean forward with diaphragmatic breathing
Anxiety No sedatives for fear of respiratory depression

Role for steroids

Pathophysiology/Anti-inflammatory Clinical setting
Acute bronchitis Acute Exacerbation
Chronic bronchitis ? Chronic use


Pathpphysiology Therapeutics
Loss of alveolar septa/and elastic recoil/hyperinflation/Blebs and bullae Lung reduction Surgery
  Lung Transplant
Loss of capillary bed/Pulmonary hypertension Heart/Lung Transplant

Smoking cessation