Normal Values

pH = 7.38 - 7.42

[H+]  = 40 nM/L for a pH of 7.4

PaCO2  = 40 mm Hg

[HCO3] = 24 meq/L

Acid base definitions

Acid base disorder is considered present when there is abnormality in HCO3 or PaCO2 or pH.

Acidosis and alkalosis refer to in-vivo derangement's and not to any change in pH.

Acidemia (pH < 7.38) and Alkalemia  (pH >7.42) refer to derangement's of blood pH.

Kidney and Respiratory system play a key roles in maintaining the acid base status.

Primary Acid base disorders

Metabolic acidosis loss of [HCO3]    0r addition of  [H+]
Metabolic alkalosis

loss of  [H+] or addition of  [HCO3]

Respiratory acidosis increase in pCO2
Respiratory alkalosis  decrease in pCO2

Recquired lab values/information 

Anion and Cations



Chloride Sodium
Bicarbonate(Total CO2) Potassium
Proteins Calcium
Organic acids Magnesium

Electrochemical balance means that the total anions are the same as total Cations. For practical purposes anion gap is calculated using only Sodium, Chlorides and Total CO2.((140-(104+24)) = 12.

Compensatory measures



Buffer systems

Bicarbonate buffer system

Calculated bicarbonate:

Total CO2:

Primary changes in bicarbonate leads to metabolic acid base disorder.

Metabolic compensation 

Compensation is almost complete

Anion gap (AG)

The bicarbonate gap

Renal regulation of  [H+] and [HCO3]

Two major functions 

  1. Reclamation of filtered bicarbonate
  2. Excretion of Acid

Bicarbonate change for PaCO2 changes



 Ventilation and pCO2 relationship 

Interrelationship between pH and pCO2

pH pCO2  
7.10 79 70
7.20 63 60
7.3 50 50
7.5 32 30

This formula is usable because in the range of pH values we usually deal with, there is nearly linear relationship between pH and pCO2.


Relationship between pH and acute CO2 changes

We can expect an almost leniar relationship between pH and acute CO2 changes

pH PaCO2
7.4 40
7.3 50
7.5 30

Respiratory compensation  for Metabolic acid base disturbance

Compensation is never complete. If the pH is normal there is probably a superimposed second acid base disturbance. Estimation of expected PaCO2 for a given acidic pH also enables us to determine whether respiratory compensation is appropriate.

High anion gap metabolic Acidosis
Usually from addition of acid

Normal anion gap metabolic acidosis

Metabolic alkalosis

Respiratory Acidosis

Obstructive pulmonary disease
Respiratory center depression (drugs, anesthesia)
Pickwickian/sleep apnea syndrome
End stage restrictive pulmonary disease

Respiratory Alkalosis

Hepatic insufficiency
Ventilator induced
Diffuse interstitial fibrosis

Renal regulation of  [H+] and [HCO3]  


Renal regulation of  [H+] and [HCO3]

Excretion of Acid 


Renal regulation of  [H+] and [HCO3]

Excretion of  free [H] 


Renal regulation of  [H+] and [HCO3]

Excretion of  acid stimulated by 


Renal regulation of  [H+] and [HCO3]

Excretion of  acid inhibited by 


Renal regulation of  [H+] and [HCO3]

Two major functions 

  1. Reclamation of filtered bicarbonate
  2. Excretion of Acid

Approach to interpreting Acid-base disturbance