
Causative agents



Causative agents of exudative pharyngitis 

Agents that cause exudative pharyngitis associated with rash

When to suspect rare etiology


Pathogenesis of infection  Establishment of  specific diagnosis  

The primary objectives in the diagnosis of acute pharyngitis, are to distinguish cases of common viral etiology from those due to S. pyogenes and to detect and identify the occasional case due to an unusual or rare cause for which treatment is available in the majority of cases, but where an etiologic diagnosis is not possible on clinical grounds alone.

Long-term consequences of streptococcal pharyngitis 

are late complications of streptococcal infection and are related to immunologic response to group A streptococcal, infection.

Strategy for pharyngitis therapy

Since even exudative tonsillitis is usually of viral origin, for which there is no specific therapy, the use of antibiotics should be guided by the results of antigen detection tests or cultures, unless there are strong clinical and epidemiologic grounds to suspect a streptococcal infection.

Therapy of Streptococcal pharyngitis 

Rationale for therapy of  streptococcal pharyngitis