Loyola University Medical Education Network

Screening Physical Exam

Loyola University Medical Center


How to Proceed The Screening Physical Exam steps have been developed to meet the needs of the Stritch School of Medicines' sophomore students (MSII). These steps are taught during the "Introduction to Clinical Medicine" course. During the course, students are instructed to examine patients from head to foot, in a methodical fashion. Lessons are presented
  1. By the lecture presentation.
    The "Main" option will return to the list of steps taught during that lecture.
  2. By all steps
    The "Main" option here will return you to list of all the steps.

You are in the Organ based sessions on Physical exam module.

  • Beginners should skip the "Abnormal" option. Knowledge of Diseases and Pathology will be required before one can fully understand abnormal findings. This module will be more useful to seniors and during subsequent years.
  • Self evaluation module will help you decide whether you have achieved proficiency in each step
Development Philosophy For each step the objective, method of exam, normal, abnormal and required knowledge is provided in separate modules. Consultants have reviewed steps pertinent to their field for accuracy and provided material for abnormalities. Abnormal findings and audio-visual material will be linked as they become available. Abnormal findings are more useful for senior students and physicians interested in physical diagnosis.
  1. Barbara Bates, A Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company), is the prescribed book to students. Note that referenced pages refer to the fourth edition. If you have a different edition, use the index to read appropriate segments from the book.
  2. Basic Science lessons by faculty of Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology are referenced.
Client Settings The lessons are designed (frame size, image size, fonts, etc) for the terminals used in the Stritch School of Medicine. Configuration of the terminals is as follows:
  • Netscape Navigator 4.0 with default font settings. (Be sure to set your preferences to use Netscape for opening jpeg files. Do not use a helper application. If used, frames will not work properly.)
  • 17" monitors at a resolution of 800x600.
  • Window set to occupy the full frame of the monitor. Turning off the "Show Directory Buttons and Location Buttons" under options will increase the available window size.

Dr. Chandrasekhar

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Last Updated: Aug 3rd, 1998
Created: May 17, 1997