
  1. A multisystem granulomatous disorder of unknown etiology.

  2. Clinical manifestations

    1. Mostly young adults.

    2. Any organ may be involved with the lungs, lymphatics, skin, liver, eyes most commonly affected in decreasing order. Some manifestations to watch for:
      - Myocardial involvement (possible conduction disturbances)
      - Uveitis
      - Cranial nerve VII involvement
      - Erythema nodosa

    3. PFTs: Decreased volumes, compliance, DLCO, hypoxemia.

    4. BAL: Predominance of T-lymphocytes and macrophages.

    5. Immunology: Activated T-lymphocytes secrete IL-2 which, as a monocyte chemotactic factor, recruit monocytes and thus contribute to granuloma formation.

    6. CXR:
      - Stage 0  Clear
      - Stage I   Bilateral hilar adenopathy
      - Stage II  Hilar adenopathy and parenchymal infiltrates
      - Stage III Parenchymal infiltrates only
      - State IV Extensive fibrosis and distortion of lung architecture

    7. Gallium-67 Imaging: increased pulmonary uptake with alveolitis.

    8. Hypercalcemia (10-15%), hypercalciuria (20-30%)

    9. Elevated ACE level (nonspecific); however, ACE may be followed for therapeutic response.

    10. Hyperglobulinemia, impaired delayed hypersensitivity.

  3. Diagnosis: Transbronchial lung biopsy showing non-caseating granulomas with compatible clinical picture.

  4. Therapy: Corticosteroids

    1. Indications for prednisone therapy: active alveolitis with severe symptoms, uveitis, liver disease (marked), cardiac disease, CNS disease, hypercalcemia.

    2. Secondary agent: methotrexate, antimalarial agents controversial.

  5. Transplantation

    1. Recurrent sarcoid granulomata noted in allografts; immunosuppression for transplantation may attenuate granulomatous responses in patients having recurrent disease.

Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

  1. A type III and IV hypersensitivity reaction to microbial spores, animal proteins and chemicals.

    1. Farmer's lung is the prototypic disease caused by a reaction to Micropolyspora faeni.

    2. Fever, chills, dyspnea, leukocytosis may occur 4-6 hours after exposure and eventually resolve; symptoms and signs may recur on re-exposure.

    3. CXR: Acute - normal to reticulonodular pattern; Chronic - progressive fibrosis, honeycombing.

    4. BAL: Predominance of lymphocytes; increased IgG, IgM.

    5. Serum precipitins to offending antigen present.

    6. Pathology: - Interstitial alveolitis with lymphocytes and non-caseating granulomas (nonspecific); foam cells present (nonspecific)

  2. Diagnosis: Compatible clinical picture, BAL with lymphocytes; serum precipitins; (inhalational challenge).

  3. Therapy: Avoidance of continued inhalational exposure to causative antigen; corticosteroids in severe cases.

Eosinophilic Granuloma (Histiocytosis X)

  1. Subacute or chronic proliferation disorder of unknown cause characterized by granulomatous infiltration of lung and bone.

  2. Clinical manifestations

    1. Most commonly in individuals 20-50 years of age; associated with smoking

    2. Cough, dyspnea, chest pain.

    3. Pneumothorax (10-30%); rarely diabetes insipidus.

    4. CXR: Nodular to reticular densities in the middle and upper lung; honeycomb cysts may be present.

  3. Diagnosis: biopsy showing aggregates of Langerhans cells (also called HX cells) which are large mononuclear phagocytes with prominently grooved nuclei.

  4. Therapy (coarse variable with 6-25% mortality)

    1. Smoking cessation

    2. Transplantation

Pulmonary Vasculitis

  1. Wegener's Granulomatosis

    1. Necrotizing granulomas and vasculitis of upper and lower respiratory tracts; also systemic vasculitis with focal necrotizing glomerulonephritis.

    2. Clinical triad: Rhinitis/sinusitis, nodular pulmonary lesions, renal failure.

    3. Systemic vasculitis may be manifested by skin, eye and joint findings.

    4. CXR: Bilateral nodules ranging from 1 to 9 cm in size; may also see diffuse interstitial disease and alveolar hemorrhage.

    5. Diagnosis: Antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) Percutaneous renal biopsy; lung biopsy.

    6. Therapy: Cyclophosphamide and prednisone.

  2. Churg-Strauss Syndrome (allergic angiitis and granulomatosis)

    1. Syndrome of asthma, peripheral or tissue eosinophilia, systemic necrotizing vasculitis, and circulating ANCA (both p-ANCA and C-ANCA).

    2. Symptoms of fever, weight loss, malaise: sinusitis/allergic rhinitis (70%); other sites of involvement include skin (65%), nervous system (40-63%), heart (30-50%), abdominal viscera (20-40%).

    3. CXR: focal alveolar infiltrates.

    4. Therapy: corticosteroids; add cyclophosphamide for fulminant cases.

Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM)

  1. Occurs exclusively in females, natural history variable.

  2. Dyspnea (third of fourth decade of life); pneumothorax (50-80%), chylothorax (7-39%), hemoptysis (28-40%).

  3. CXR: cystic or reticulonodular shadows, pneumothoraces, pleural effusions, or hyperinflation.

  4. PFTs: airways obstruction with reductions in DLCO; lung volumes preserved.

  5. Diagnosis: lung biopsy shows hamartamatous proliferation of interstitial smooth muscle and innumerable thin-walled parenchymal cysts.

  6. Therapy:

    1. oophorectomy and antiestrogen regimens tried but disappointing results.

    2. Transplantation.

  1. Lymphangitic Carcinomatosis

    1. Progressive dyspnea; CXR showing Kerley B lines, restrictive defect on PFTs; biopsy showing malignant cells.

Collagen Vascular Diseases (Pleuropulmonary Manifestations)

  1. Rheumatoid Arthritis

    1. Pleuritis with or without effusion
    2. Necrobiotic nodules
    3. Caplan's syndrome (rheumatoid pneumoconiosis)
    4. Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
    5. Pulmonary arteritis and pulmonary hypertension
    6. Bronchiolitis obliterans with or without organizing pneumonia
    7. Apical fibro-bullous disease
    8. Upper airway dysfunction from cricoarytenoid arthritis
    9. Thoracic cage immobility
    10. Interstitial changes from drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis (e.g., methotrexate, gold, penicillamine)
  2. Systemic Lupus Erythematosis

    1. Pleuritis with or without effusion
    2. Acute lupus pneumonitis
    3. Alveolar hemorrhage
    4. Chronic interstitial disease
    5. Pulmonary vascular disease: vasculitis, pulmonary embolism
    6. Bronchiolitis obliterans
    7. Atelectasis
    8. Diaphragm dysfunction
    9. Upper airway dysfunction: cricoarytenoid arthritis
  3. Progressive Systemic Sclerosis

    1. Pleuritis
    2. Pulmonary hypertension
    3. Interstitial fibrosis
    4. Aspiration pneumonitis
    5. Increased frequency of lung tumors
  4. Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis

    1. Interstitial fibrosis
    2. Bronchiolitis obliterans
    3. Aspiration pneumonitis
  5. Sjogren's Syndrome

    1. Pleuritis
    2. Interstitial fibrosis
    3. Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis
    4. Pulmonary vasculitis and hypertension
    5. Desiccation of tracheobronchial tree
    6. Pulmonary lymphoma and pseudolymphoa
  6. Ankylosing Spondylitis

    1. Interstitial fibrosis (upper lobes)
    2. Thoracic cage immobility

Chronic Alveolar Filling Diseases

  1. CXR Features: Fluffy margins, early coalescence, segmental/lobar or butterfuly patterns, air bronchogram or alveologram.

    1. Disseminated alveolar disease

      1. Acute: pulmonary edema, alveolar hemorrhage, pneumonia.

      2. Chronic: bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma, alveolar proteinosis, lymphoma, sarcoidosis.

  2. Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis

    1. Intra-alveolar lipoproteinaceous material

    2. Also defective macrophage function leading to superinfection, notably Nocardia, Staphylococcus aureus, Mycobacterium.

    3. Dx: BAL or lung biopsy.

    4. Rx: Whole lung lavage.

  3. Alveolar Hemorrhage Syndromes

    1. Goodpasture's Syndrome (antibasement membrane antibody disease)

      1. Recurrent  episodes of hemoptysis with alveolar hemorrhagic filling; hemosiderin-laden macrophages.

      2. Renal involvement (glomerulonephritis) usually follows pulmonary disease.
        - Antiglomerular basement membrane antibodies in serum.
        - Linear deposition of IgG and complement along glomerular and alveolocapillary basement membranes.

      3. Therapy: Plasmaphereis and immunosuppressant agents (corticosteroids with either cyclophosphamide or azathioprine).

    2. Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis

      1. Hemoptysis and intra-alveolar hemorrhage; no renal involvement.

      2. Although common in children, about 20% of IPH are adults, usually younger than 30 y/o; mortality 30% within 3 years.

      3. Therapy: corticosteroids tried but no proven benefit on overall outcome.

    3. Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage also associated with systemic vasculitis, progressive glomerulonephritis, collagen vascular disease, and immunocompromised hosts.

Eosinophilic Pneumonia

  1. Pulmonary infiltrates and blood/tissue eosinophilia may occur in several distinct diseases: Loffler's syndrome, acute tropical pneumonia, chronic eosinophilic pneumonia, drug-induced eosinophilic pneumonia, Churg-Strauss syndrome, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, and diverse infectious diseases (parasites).

  2. Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia

    1. Cough, dyspnea, wheezing, fever, malaise, blood eosinophilia, and dense focal alveolar infiltrates.

    2. Cause unknown; course in subacute or chronic.

    3. CXR: "photographic negative of pulmonary edema."

    4. Diagnosis: lung biopsy with dense infiltration of eosinophiles.

    5. Therapy: Corticosteroids (usually with dramatic improvement).

  1. Lipoid Pneumonia

    1. Aspiration of exogenous lipid (vegetable oils) over an extended period of time.

  2. Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma

    1. CXR shows focal or diffuse air space changes.

Drug Induced Pulmonary Disease

  1. Adverse drug reactions account for 5% of hospital admissions and occur in 18% of hospitalized patients.

  2. Bleomycin

    1. Causes an interstitial pneumonitis that may lead to fibrosis (10-20% of patients receiving bleomycin.)

      1. Factors which increase the risk of bleomycin-induced pulmonary toxicity.
        - Age (>70 yrs), dose, route of administration, radiation therapy, 02 therapy, renal function, other chemotherapeutic agents.

    2. Symptoms include dyspnea, cough, fever.

    3. CXR: Basilar reticular or fine nodular changes.

    4. Diagnosis: Diffuse uptake on gallium scan; neutrophils on BAL; transbronchial biopsy (diagnosis made in setting of compatible clinical, radiologic and/or histologic findings).

    5. Mortality: 1-7%.

    6. Therapy: Reduce Fi02 if possible, trial of corticosteroids.

  3. Amiodarone

    1. Injury mediated by both direct and indirect mechanisms.

      1. Greater risk of toxicity with daily maintenance dose of more than 400 mg.

      2. Acute and subacute forms exists; occasionally fulminant course with ARDS.

    2. Symptoms include dyspnea and occasionally cough, fever, and chest pain.

    3. CXR: Diffuse interstitial changes; sometimes upper lobe predilection.

    4. PFT's: Decreased DLCO; reduced volumes.

    5. Histology: Alveolar septal thickening with inflammatory cells, intra-alveolar foam macrophages.

    6. Diagnosis: Usually by exclusion; compatible clinical picture.

    7. Therapy:

      1. Discontinue amiodarone and switch to alternative antiarrhythmic agent

      2. Corticosteroids for severe cases.

  4. Other drugs which may cause interstitial pneumonitis/fibrosis: alkylating agents

    1. Alkylating agents (busulfan, cyclophosphamide, melphalan, chlorambucil)
    2. Nitrosoureas (carmustine, lomustine)
    3. Mitomycin.
  5. Other drugs which may cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis:

    1. Methotrexate
    2. Gold salts
    3. Nitrofurantoin
    4. Sulfasalazine.
  6. Drugs which may cause noncardiac pulmonary edema

    1. Salicylates
    2. Thiazides
    3. Narcotics
    4. Tocolytic agents.
  7. Radiation Therapy

    1. Results in pneumonitis or fibrosis.

      1. Pneumonitis generally appears between 2 to 6 months after radiation; steroids may benefit if given early.

      2. Fibrosis appears between 6 to 12 months after radiation; may progress to respiratory failure; steroids usually not helpful.

Bronchiolitis Obliterans

  1. A fibrotic lung disease that primarily affects the small conducting airways and spares most of the interstitium.

    1. Pathology: epithelial injury with a repair process causing an excessive proliferation of granulation tissue which compromises or completely obliterates the airway lumen.

    2. Physiology: obstructive or restrictive ventilatory defect.

    3. CXR: airspace and/or interstitial changes.

  2. Bronchiolitis obliterans of known etiology

    1. Toxic Fume Inhalation (S02, N02, NH3)

      1. Steroids occasionally helpful.

    2. Postinfectious Bronchiolitis Obliterans

      1. RSV most common cause in infants and young children.

      2. Mycoplasma, legionella and several viruses most common cause in adults.

  3. Bronchiolitis obliterans of unknown etiology

    1. Bronchiolitis Obliterans and Organizing Pneumonia

      1. Also known as BOOP.

      2. Steroids effective.

    2. Connective Tissue Disease

      1. Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, polymyositis and dermatomyositis, Sjogren's syndrome.

    3. Organ Transplantation

      1. Bone marrow transplantation
        - May occur in 10% of long-term survivors.

      2. Heart/Lung transplantation
        - May occur in 30-50% of long-term survivors.

    4. Associated with other disease

      1. IPF
      2. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
      3. Eosinophilc granuloma
      4. Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia.

Occupational Lung Diseases (Pneumoconioses)

  1. Silicosis

    1. Fibrotic disease of the lungs caused by inhalation of crystalline silicone dioxide.

    2. Occupations at risk: mining, manufacturing (glass, pottery, porcelain), sandblasting.

    3. Pathogenesis: Macrophages exposed to silica release chemotactic and fibrogenic factors.

    4. Pathology: Hyaline nodule having concentric whorls of connective tissue with an acellular central zone of free silica.

    5. Clinical presentations

      1. Chronic Silicosis: apparent 20 or more years after exposure.

      2. Accelerated Silicosis: apparent 5-15 years after exposure.

      3. Acute Silicosis: develops in 6 months to 2 years after massive exposure; fulminant course.

      4. Silicoproteinosis: a variant characterized by intra-alveolar lipoproteinaceous material similar to that of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis.

    6. CXR findings

      1. Simple: reticular and nodula patterns predominantly in the upper lobes; hilar adenopathy common, occasionally with "eggshell" calcifications.

      2. Progressive massive fibrosis: coalescence of larger nodules.

      3. Silicoproteinosis: alveolar filling pattern.

    7. Higher incidence of mycobacterial disease.

    8. Dx: Compatible history and characteristic CXR.

    9. Rx:  None; INH for patients with positive PPD.

  2. Asbestos-Related Disease

    1. Asbestosis is a fibrous silicae containing silicon and oxygen.

    2. Industries at risk: construction, manufacturing, shipbuilding, insulation

    3. Chrysotile fibers (serpentine group) account for 95% of world's production of asbestos; amphibole group considered more pathogenic (fibers with greatest length-to-diameter ratio are cost carcinogenic).

    4. Clinical conditions

      1. Parenchymal Pulmonary  Fibrosis (asbestosis)
        - After 10-20 years of inhalational exposure.
        - Fibers and asbestos bodies (fibers coated with protein-iron complexes) in lung biopsy.
        - Interstitial CXR  changes usually at lung bases with progression to upper lobes.

      2. Pleural Plaques
        - Thickened fibrotic areas of pleura (visceral and parietal); may coalesce to involve large areas of the lung.
        - Occasionally plaques calcify and are sometimes seen along the diaphragm.

      3. Exudative Pleural Effusion
        - Recurrent, blood-tinged; associated with pleural thickening or parenchymal fibrosis.

      4. Malignancy
        - Increased risk of lung cancer with asbestos exposure; dose-related.
        - Smoking multiples this risk.
        - Increased risk of pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma (smoking does not add to the risk of mesotheliomas).
        - Increased risk of cancers of the GI tract, larynx, kidney, pancreas, ovary, and eye with asbestos exposure.

  3. Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis

    1. Associated with coal dust exposure.

      1. Risk increases with intensity, duration and higher ranks (hardness) of coals. Anthracite is the hightest rank (mined in eastern U.S.) followed by bituminous and lignite.

      2. Although there are immunologic abnormalities (elevated IgG, IgA, C3), the pathogenesis remains unknown.

    2. Clinical manifestations (develop over 10-20 years)

      1. Simple Coal Worker's Pneumoconiosis (SCWP)
        - Few symptoms.

      2. Progressive Massive Fibrosis
        - Associated with anthracite coal.
        - May see melanoptysis due breakdown of lesions.
        - Can appear after expsoure stops.

      3. Caplan's Syndrome (Rheumatoid Pneumoconiosis)
        - Associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
        - Nodules (0.5-5cm) on CXR in individuals with SCWP; nodules may cavitate.
        - Also occurs with other pneumoconioses.
        - Rheumatoid factor positive in 70% of patients.

    3. No increased risk of TB.

    4. Dx: History of dust exposure and characteristic CXR.

  4. Berylliosis

    1. Exposures: fluorescent light industry, ceramics, nuclear control equipment, electronics

    2. Acute disease (rare): toxic, dose-related, bronchiolitis, pulmonary edema, chemical pneumonitis.

    3. Chronic disease: multisystemic granulomatous disorder which involves the lung; course variable.


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