External links

    1. Radiology Assistant: Educational site of the Radiological Society of the Netherlands. Excellent site covering all organ systems.
    2. Radiology Masterclass Tutorials: Radiology teaching for UK medical students and junior doctors. Excellent site for trauma, chest x-ray, abdominal x-ray and general radiology tutorials.
    3. Teaching Programs from Harvard: Designed for students.
    4. Radiological Anatomy: RSNA This is a series of workshops on radiologic anatomy, to be given in conjunction with work in the gross anatomy laboratory.
    5. Neuroradiology Tutorial: From Yale.
    6. Introduction to Radiology: From the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Department of Anatomy.
    7. Introduction to Chest Radiology: From the University of Virginia Health Science Center, Department of Radiology.
    8. Learning Radiology: Recognizing the Basics: Designed for students, presenting lecture notes, cases and quizzes.


    The following ibooks were published by Arcot J. Chandrasekhar, M.D., Emeritus, Loyola University Chicago. Both are available for free downloads at the iTunes Store.
    Search by "Arcot" or "Chandrasekhar".

    1. Chest X-Ray for Medical Students
    2. 2014 Neuroradiology for Medical Students