This has two modules


  • Self assessment module: You should use this module only after you have read textbooks or have knowledge of the subject and are ready to see whether you have comprehended the subject.

This exercise is for students studying Anatomy. Try answering the questions from the images before looking at the labeled images for answers.

Cervical Spine

MR Number cervical vertebra
Cervical Spine What is the relationship of cervical vertebra to each other
Cervical Spine How do you identify transverse process of cervical vertebra?
Cervical Spine Identify retro tracheal and retro pharyngeal space
CT Reconstructed Identify Odontoid and Atlanto axial joints
Cervical Spine Identify anterior and posterior arch of atlas and Atlanto axial joint
Cervical Spine Identify Odontoid and posterior arch of Atlas
Cervical Spine Identify Odontoid process 
CT Identify parts
CT Identify Neural foramen
CT Reconstructed Identify parts
Post Myelogram CT Identify parts
Post Myelogram CT Identify parts
Lumbosacral Spine
Lumbosacral spine Number Lumbar vertebrae
Lumbosacral spine Identify bones and Joints
Lumbosacral spine Identify parts of Vertebra
Lumbosacral spine Identify Pedicle,  lamina, Transverse and spinous process
Lumbosacral spine Identify Pedicle, Lamina and facet joint
Lumbosacral spine Identify facet joint and facets
Lumbosacral spine Identify Neural foramen
Lumbosacral spine Identify Scotty Dog
Lumbosacral spine Identify parts of Scotty Dog
Scotty Dog By Dr McNulty
MR Spine Identify parts
MR Axial Lumbar Vertebra Identify Neural foramens
MR Spine Identify structures
MR Axial Lumbar Vertebra Identify Neural foramens
MR Spine Identify Vertebrae and adjacent structures
MR Spine - T2 weighted Identify Vertebrae and adjacent structures
MR Spine Identify Facet joint, Neural foramen and nerve root
Post Myelogram CT Identify structures
Upper Extremity
Humerus Identify parts
Shoulder Identify parts of Humerus
Shoulder Identify shoulder bones
Shoulder Identify joints
Shoulder Identify structures
Shoulder Identify structures
Shoulder Identify structures
CT Shoulder Identify rotator cuff muscles
Anatomy Scapula and Shoulder
Scapula Identify parts of Scapula
Scapula Identify parts of Scapula
Forearm Identify parts
Elbow Child Identify bones
Elbow Identify parts
Elbow Identify parts
Wrist Identify Carpal bones
Wrist Identify Carpal bones
Hand Identify bones
Hand Identify Joints


Skull Identify the Bones
Skull Identify the sutures


Identify the sutures
Skull of a child When do sutures close?
Skull Identify Vascular groves
Skull How to distinguish from fracture?
Skull Identify structures in the base of skull
Skull Identify internal auditory canal
Skull Identify Pineal body
Base of Skull Identify parts of Sella Tursica
Base of Skull What are the normal measurements of sella? 
Face / Sinuses
Face Identify the facial Bones
Plain film Identify the facial bones
Plain film Identify Sinuses
CT Sinus
CT Sinus Identify Sinuses
CT Sinus What are the normal characteristics of Sinuses?
CT Sinus
CT Sinus
Nasal Bones
Sinuses of Child What is the difference in sinuses between child and adult?
Anatomy Posterior Ribs
Ribs Identify anterior and posterior ribs
Ribs Identify transverse process of 1st Thoracic vertebra and 1st Rib
Ribs Identify 1st Thoracic vertebra nd 1st Rib
Ribs Number posterior and anterior ribs
Ribs Number posterior and anterior ribs
Sternum Identify the parts
Sternum What is the significance of Sternal angle
Clavicle Identify Clavicle
Clavicle Identify parts of Clavicle
Clavicle Identify Sterno clavicular and Acromio clavicular joints.
CT Identify Sterno-clavicular joint
Thoracic spine Identify parts
Thoracic spine Identify parts
Thoracic spine
Identify parts
Thoracic spine Identify parts
CT Identify structures
Pelvis Identify Pelvic bones.
Pelvis Identify Pelvic joints
Pelvis Identify Pelvic bones and Joints.
Pelvis Identify parts
Hip Identify articulating bones
Hip Identify articulating bones
Sacrum and Coccyx Identify parts of Sacrum and coccyx
Sacrum and Coccyx Identify Sacrum and Coccyx
Sacrum and Coccyx Identify parts of Sacrum
Sacrum and Coccyx Identify Sacro-Iliac Joint
CT Identify Sacro-Iliac Joint
Lower Extremity
Femur Identify parts
Tibia / fibula Identify parts
Tibia / fibula Identify parts
Tibia / fibula
Knee Identify joints
Knee Identify structures
Knee Identify structures
Knee Identify structures
Knee Identify structures
MR Knee Identify structures
MR Knee Identify structures
MR Knee Identify structures
MR Knee Identify parts of medial meniscus
MR Knee Identify parts of lateral meniscus
Ankle Identify structures
Ankle  Identify structures
Ankle  Identify structures
Ankle  Identify structures
MR Ankle  Identify structures
Foot Identify Tarsal bones
Foot Identify bones