Loyola University Medical Education NetworkUpper Limb Concepts

  1. The concept of compartmentalization - The limb is divided into compartments that have common functions on joints and a common innervation - this is the concept of myotomes. This means you don't have to memorize the innervation of each and every muscle. Related to the concept of compartmentalization is the concept of preaxial and postaxial muscles.

  2. Related to the concept of myotomes is the concept of dermatomes. Very important clinically!

  3. Remember, any muscle that crosses a joint, acts on that joint. Refresh your understanding of agonists, antagonists, synergists.

  4. A joint receives its innervation from any nerve crossing that joint.

  5. Muscles receive their blood supply from any vessel in the vicinity.

  6. Muscles tend to receive their innervation proximally.

John A. McNulty, Ph.D.
Last Updated: July 11, 2005
Created: 1 March 1996